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| IoT-based Smart Home Security System with Machine Learning Models |
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| Blockchain-based IoT security solutions for IDS research centers |
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| A Novel Cyber Security Model Using Deep Transfer Learning |
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| A Comprehensive Survey On Machine Learning-Based Intrusion Detection System for Vehicular Area Network Architectures |
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| A novel deep learning-based intrusion detection system for IoT DDoS security |
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| Design and Performance Analysis of a SPECK-Based Lightweight Hash Function |
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| 4D chaotic system-based secure data hiding method to improve robustness and embedding capacity of videos |
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| A survey on communication protocols and performance evaluations for Internet of Things |
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| A survey on communication protocols and performance evaluations for Internet of Things |
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| A survey on communication protocols and performance evaluations for Internet of Things |
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| A new DDoS attacks intrusion detection model based on deep learning for cybersecurity |
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| A new DDoS attacks intrusion detection model based on deep learning for cybersecurity |
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| S-Box-based video stenography application of variable-order fractional hopfield neural network (VFHNN) |
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| Handwritten Digit Recognition With Machine Learning Algorithms |
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| 4D chaotic system-based secure data hiding method to improve robustness and embedding capacity of videos |
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| Performance Evaluation of Lightweight Encryption Algorithms for IoT-Based Applications |
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| Performance Evaluation of Lightweight Encryption Algorithms for IoT-Based Applications |
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| A Secured Message Transmission Protocol for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks |
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| A new approach to design S-box generation algorithm based on genetic algorithm |
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| Performance Evaluation of Lightweight Encryption Algorithms for IoT-Based Applications |
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| A Secured Message Transmission Protocol for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks |
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| A Novel Hypogenetic Chaotic Jerk System: Modeling, Circuit Implementation, and Its Application |
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| A Simple Chaotic Flow with Hyperbolic Sinusoidal Function and Its Application to Voice Encryption |
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| An exponential jerk system, its fractional-order form with dynamical analysis and engineering application |
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| CoAP and Its Performance Evaluation |
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| A Novel Chaotic System With Boomerang-Shaped Equilibrium, Its Circuit Implementation and Application to Sound Encryption |
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| S-Box Based Image Encryption Application Using a Chaotic System without Equilibrium |
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| A novel parallel image encryption algorithm based on chaos |
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| A new chaotic system with hidden attractor and its engineering applications: analog circuit realization and image encryption |
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| A New Finance Chaotic System, its Electronic Circuit Realization, Passivity based Synchronization and an Application to Voice Encryption |
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| Anormal Trafik Tespiti için Veri Madenciliği Algoritmalarının Performans Analizi |
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| A new hybrid approach for intrusion detection using machine learningmethods |
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| A new 4-D chaotic hyperjerk system, its synchronization, circuit design and applications in RNG, image encryption and chaos-based steganography |
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| A Chaotic System with Infinite Equilibria and Its S-Box Constructing Application |
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| A Chaotic System with Infinite Number of Equilibria Located on an Exponential Curve and Its Chaos-Based Engineering Application |
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| An Exponential Jerk System: Circuit Realization, Fractional Order and Time Delayed Form with Dynamical Analysis and Its Engineering Application |
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| A novel hybrid encryption algorithm based on chaos and S-AES algorithm |
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| A New Chaotic System with Multiple Attractors: Dynamic Analysis, Circuit Realization and S-Box Design |
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| New class of chaotic systems with equilibrium points like a three-leaved clover |
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| A new three-dimensional chaotic system with a cloud-shaped curve of equilibrium points, its circuit implementation and sound encryption |
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| A new chaotic system with hidden attractor and its engineering applications: analog circuit realization and image encryption |
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| A Novel Chaotic System With Boomerang-Shaped Equilibrium, Its Circuit Implementation and Application to Sound Encryption |
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| A new hyperchaotic temperature fluctuations model, its circuit simulation, FPGA implementation and an application to image encryption |
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| The design and implementation of hybrid RSA algorithm using a novel chaos based RNG |
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| Secure image encryption algorithm design using a novel chaos based S-Box |
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| A novel approach for strong S-Box generation algorithm design based on chaotic scaled Zhongtang system |
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| A novel chaos-based encryption algorithm over TCP data packet for secure communication |
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| A novel defect prediction method for web pages using k-means plus |
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| Sürekli Zamanlı Otonom Kaotik Devre Tasarımı Ve Sinyal Gizleme Uygulaması |
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| A MATLAB and.NET based Windows Application for controller design using Genetic algorithm |
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| A Voice Controlled Web based FTP Tool |
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| Ns-3 ağ simülatöründe, kuyruk yönetim algoritmalarının performans analizi |
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| NS-2 ve NS-3 Ağ Simülatörlerinin Ölçeklenebilirlik Analizi ve Karşılaştırma |
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| A new approach to design S-Box generation algorithm based on genetic algorithm |
unalc@sakarya.edu.tr0264 2956980